New Hope Uganda Video

Colorado Weber's

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"God, you're messing with my plans again!"

This last weekend, with the possibility of moving to Uganda in mind, I prayed ever so selfishly, "God, I thought we had a good thing going here! I mean, I don't mind if you change my plans, but to make it so that I can't plan for the next couple years of my life . . . c'mon, that's pretty unreasonable, especially at the stage of life I'm in!"
I'm so glad that I'm not God; if I were, I would have struck the "human me" dead by now. Thankfully, our Father is so loving and patient that he hasn't yet. Instead, he challenged me with these words Sunday evening: "Emily, you have mistakenly been thinking that I'm part of your plans, when in reality, you're part of my Plan."
That's when I realized that no matter how difficult or different something appears, when God calls you to it, who are we, as His creation, to challenge the Most High God? Who are we to disobey by staying in a state of inaction? Who are we to complain?
I don't have to know what I'm doing in the next couple years of my life. The Omnipotent God is also the Sovereign One. He knows what He's doing with me. And I can rest in the assurance that so long as I continue to press closer into Him and into His love, I'm going to end up where I'm supposed to be.
For now, my prayer is this:
Take my heart, I lay it down
At the feet of You who's crowned
And take my life, I'm letting go
I lift it up to you who's throned
Take my fret, take my fear
All I have I'm leaving here
Be all my hopes, be all my dreams
Be all my delights, be my everything
And I will worship You Lord, Only You Lord
And I will bow down before you, Only You Lord
It's just you and me here now,
Only you and me here now . . .
- Only You, David Crowder


faithlikethat said...

Emily, I love your beautiful heart. I love that you love My Savior as Your Savior, and you have Him as the center of your life.

With all my love,

Unknown said...

Emily....there are not so many beautiful women like yourself. The ones that shine beauty because they are an enormous reflection of Christ! I know God has big plans with you in them!
We love you!
Mrs. Jill

Carpenter Creek Canines said...

I just love you, Emily. Keep soft to the things of the Lord...He's going to REALLY use you!!! Buckle in cuz He's got you on the biggest adventure yet...with more to come, I promise!!! Thanks for encouraging me with your post!! I love that God doesn't just bless his kids with "older" people...He uses us all to edify!! You're such a blessing in my life.

Love so much,
Mrs. Jen

Unknown said...

Hey Em,
You'll never know how much your words encouraged me! My own life is so crazy, filled with questions and need to trust God with my plans.
It will be so cool to see what God can do with young women that are completely surrendered to His will. I'm SO glad to have you as a sis in Christ on this journey!

Love forever!

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