New Hope Uganda Video

Colorado Weber's

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"But Why God?"

The whole fact that we are moving to Uganda hit last night. I was scared. I cried. I remember going up to mom and dad's room, and mom prayed for me, and told me that God wants us to follow Him, and the devil doesn't, and will whisper lies into our ears.
I went back into my room, but the feeling didn't go way. I cried into my pillow and started to pray. "Why God? We were finally back on track. We were finally comfortable. I have friends that I don't want to leave. Friends that I have a good relationship with, that I can call them sisters.  I will have to leave our house, my dog, my comforts, everything."
Then peace washed over me. It was like God told me, "You were on track with your own plans, not mine, you were comfortable, but I didn't call you to be comfortable, you have good friends, but you get to keep those, and have new closer ones. You still have your sisters."
I remembered Job, how everything was taken away from him, but God gave him back everything way better. I have to remember that God knows what he is doing and that He loves me too much to put my life into my own hands.


Echoes in Ink said...

I pray for you... and you'll never have to lose your friends. We're here for you.

faithlikethat said...

I love you so much. I know this will be hard and it will hurt, but to whom much is given much is required. Jesus has given you so much to share. You have such a beautiful heart and I know God has such big plans for your life. I love you with all of my heart.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I think it is hard to rest in the sovereignty of God. But, I pray that you find rest, peace and JOY in the adventure He has you on. None of us are going will have all your friends and more to come!!
Mrs. Jill

Carpenter Creek Canines said...

Hi Katie~

I'll be praying for you as you find a home for Toby. It's so hard to let go of things that we love. And I know you love him. I just can't wait to see what God hasn't shown you yet, and what's waiting for you in Africa. You're going to be blown away!!! And we will be, too, with you. You're not alone, my friend. You'll be taking all of us with you!! :)
I love you, sweet girl
Mrs. Jen

Unknown said...

I'll keep you in my prayers Katie. I feel sad that you're leaving but good that you're in God's hand.
But hey, you won't be totally losing your friends. There's still email and phone and you'll visit :]

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