New Hope Uganda Video

Colorado Weber's

Friday, September 5, 2008

We went to South Dakota over Labor Day weekend.
We stayed with the Wood family. We are very thankful for them giving us a place to stay while we were there. (with all honesty, we were more spoiled there than we were ever here!) We also got to eat the best Cheesecake in the world!!! I mean, you would get a really small piece and barely be able to finish it!
While we were there, we saw Mt. Rushmore. We got to go to a free museum, (Well, the cost was paid with our entree fee) where we learned a lot of cool facts! Like how they were planning to do their whole bodies until World War II started; and how it only took them fourteen years to build it. Also, my personal favorite fact is, that when they were building Thomas Jefferson, he was supposed to be to the left of George Washington, but the rock wasn't strong enough, and a crack went down his face! So, they did the only thing that they could do, they blew his face off the mountain and started over!!! I though that it was funny! It was all around really cool. . . that is, all but the weather!
It was 102 wopp'n degrees out!!! HOT HOT HOT!! "This ice cream is the best Kate!" Lydia told me, and somehow I don't think that it was the taste, it how refreshing it was to have something cold!
While we were enjoying our Frosties, we were told we were going to Bear Country! (A wild life reserve!) It was so hot out, barely any animals were out! But once we got to the bears, things changed!
We all were happy to see animals that actually moved! By the end of the "safari", there was a sign that read, "Baby Animals". We all decided to go look at the babies. Most of those animals were moving too.
"Dude, it's a lot cooler out of the sun!"

"Do you have any food?"

The day we left, we decided to stop by Devil's Tower in Wyoming!
It was really cool there. It looked a little like a tree stump.
All in all, it was great trip. We got to see a lot of cool things and learned a lot about Uganda.
I am glad that we were able to go and have such a good time.



Ariel said...

I went to all those places when I went to South Dakota!! :0) Fun fun fun. I didn't go to the Devil's Tower, though, and it wasn't that hot outside.

Unknown said...

Wow! The Big Heads AND Close Encounters!!! Now THAT is a vacation! I am so happy that things are moving along. God's heart is so obvious that He wants you to reach more and more!!

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