New Hope Uganda Video

Colorado Weber's

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Sell Your Possesions..."

Tom and I have been seriously looking at all of the belongings we have accumulated over the past 20 years and we are a bit overwhelmed. By American standards we have very little, but when we contemplate moving to another continent it looks like a mountain of stuff! Our solution? Craig's list, Ebay and garage sales!
This week we have been Craig's listing a bunch of stuff and we are planning a garage sale on Friday. We have sold a few items on Craig's list and I felt a little sadness in my heart. I don't think I am materialistic, but it hurts, just a little, to get rid of some of our treasures. Then I thought of the rich young man in Matthew. Jesus tells him, " If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
The young man went away sad because he had great wealth. I sympathized with this young man when I read this story. It is hard to "sell everything", then I remember the rest of what Jesus said, " will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me." All of our treasures are nothing compared to Jesus and His promise of heaven. As I sold our chop saw yesterday it felt a little liberating and I felt Jesus' pleasure with us. I am not saying it won't still hurt as we let go of our belongings, but it is our sacrifice, kind of a burnt offering to our Lord and Savior. Please pray for our family as we let go of this world to follow Jesus in this Great Adventure He has called us on.
Please pray we are able to sell our stuff to add to our fund to Uganda.
In Christ Alone,


Unknown said...

Hey! We have some earthly treasures to sell at your garage sale....and whatever monies we may have!

Jesusfreak said...

God has been working with me a lot too! It was really hard to watch Jess walk away with my horse colection, but I know that I will be okay. Love you so much mom, and I will be praying for both of us!


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